

When travelling one thing I always love to do is take to the local streets late at night. I find that the atmospheres tend to be more calm and thoughtful than they are during the day, playing well to my reflective side. There isn’t the rush to get to work or pick up the shopping or run an errand or get the kids to school. Instead ones, twos and threes gather on tables inside and outside bars and restaurants to laugh, catch up, scroll through their phones or whatever. Street vendors put slabs of raw meat on the grill whilst serving a regular. Taxi drivers lean against their cars as they exchange opinions and wait (and compete!) for their next punter. Workers walk the pavement home after a long day in the office. Children play as mum wraps up her market stall for the day.

This was typical of what I saw on a recent trip to China, where I visited Chengdu, Kanding and Tagong, in China’s Sichuan province. My Fujifilm x70 travelled with me and a few of the late night shots I took with it are below, along with a selection of other photos I took. Enjoy!